Monday, April 1, 2013

GreenRE - a new green building and carbon rating tool by REHDA

In an effort to evaluate a building’s eco-friendly features, the Real Estate and Housing Development Association of Malaysia (REHDA) has unveiled the Green Real Estate (GreenRE), a green building and carbon rating tool.

Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water  Datuk Sri Peter Chin Fah Kui (far right) officiating the launch of GreenRE while Rehda president Datuk Seri Michael Yam and Tan look on.

Notably, GreenRE can gauge a project’s carbon emissions, water and energy efficiency, as well as indoor environmental quality. REHDA will also launch a residential version of the tool, said GreenRE’s Organising Chairperson Sam Tan, adding that commitments for pilot projects have already been received.

However, several persons who attended the launch were puzzled on GreenRE’s difference to the Green Building Index (GBI).

Currently, there also several local green rating standards besides the GBI within the local construction industry, pHJKR and GreenPASS. This also include the international GB rating, US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) system and BCA GreenMark from Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority.

GreenRE is an industry driven green rating tool established to drive the Malaysia’s real estate industry towards a more sustainable and liveable built environment. GreenRE is designed for various types of real estate which assesses building performance throughout the whole development process; commencing from the conceptualization and design stage, during construction and up to post completion.

“The establishment of GreenRE as an alternative green rating tool in the local market will create a healthy competition amongst other green rating tools within the industry as consumers are offered with more choices of products.  The tool is designed to be more efficient, practical and affordable,” said Datuk Seri Michael KC Yam, President of REHDA Malaysia.

“Users of GreenRE will achieve not only social and economic benefits but will also be able to help safeguard the environment.  Based on key credit assessment that comprises energy efficiency, water efficiency, environmental protection, indoor environmental quality, green innovations and carbon emission calculator, GreenRE is aimed at promoting a more sustainable real estate industry at non prohibitive costs,” added Datuk Seri Yam.

Datuk Seri Yam further stated that the initiatives to develop GreenRE are timely as Malaysia strives towards becoming a high income developed nation. The tool incorporates internationally recognized best practices in environmental design, construction and performance, with an added advantage of a carbon emission calculator”, he explained.

The lower affordable costs of GreenRE certification will encourage more industry players to go for green rated developments. Further details on GreenRE and its certification costs will be provided in due course.

* Hopefully Green Building rating is not manipulation for money making machine.


  1. Thank you for sharing the information.

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