Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to choose Green Building Consultant in Malaysia

Criteria for green building consultant selection

There are many GB consultants in Malaysia market, which one should we choose? Current GBIf is nearly 600, and more new GB consultants are coming in market.

Selecting the right consultant or design team, regardless of project delivery method, is one of the most critical success factors in achieving a high performance green building and reaching green building rating.

Why building owner go for green building in Malaysia?
- requirement by authorities
- government incentives
- global trend, marketing , image
- environmental friendly, energy efficient building
- requirement by building operator or tenant

3 type of Green Building Consultant in Malaysia:-

- Just a Green Building consultant cum Green Building Coordinator , documents collector

- Capability in designing a green building , green building related calculation, simple simulation to meet GB requirement

- capability on designing a high performance building, provided extensive calculation and simulation related to GB, ability in high performance and dynamic building simulation , ability to access various building design performance , interactive design process

The selection of the GB consultant will depend on:-
- cost / fee
- GB rating system and level
- getting the right consultant expertise and experience


  1. Everybody is talking about the Green Technology, even SIRIM has offer their services to give tutorial and advice on how to conducts energy and environmental technology... I hope more and more Malaysia Institutes and Industrial will take part on it. Please save Malaysia, save our Planet.
