Tuesday, August 7, 2012

COMPULSARY RATING..Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) will soon introduce a Green PASS rating to contractors and developers in the country.

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COMPULSARY RATING..Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) will soon introduce a Green PASS rating to contractors and developers in the country.

KUALA LUMPUR - Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) will soon introduce a Green PASS rating to contractors and developers in the country.
"Green PASS is an assessment that measures the actual impact of the quantity of greenhouse gas (GHG) by released by building to the environment.

"This evaluation will be done in two phases: construction phase and operational phase of the building.
"For the construction phase it contains five elements, namely assessment of the construction site, building materials, energy, water and waste.

"As for the operational phase of building the three elements that are assessed include building indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy and water," she said.
Esmaria said this when presenting a paperwork on Green Pass evaluation to over 80 leading local construction industry in the capital recently.

However, she said, for the Green PASS evaluation in the construction phase, the evaluation can only be done once while in the building operation phase, the assessment will be done after the building is completed and occupied by at least 70 percent of the residents.
"Green PASS Rating will be the yardstick used to measure the ability of contractors to produce quality construction," she told the National Construction Portal, 1BINA.my.

It is learned that the database of Green PASS evaluation is borrowed from the United Kingdom which acts as a baseline to measure the conservation of buildings that is under construction or already completed.
Even so, Emasria says that Malaysia will build its own database as it is a dynamic data collection and not rigid.
"For example, if the study found that current energy consumption baseline is 100 kilowatt per meter and found the building in Green PASS assessment process uses only 70 kilowatts per meter which is a saving of 30 percent sure this data will be stored as a reference at any time.
"This is because the saving was calculated using carbon calculator and will be monitored from time to time for record and reference," she said.

Emasria also added that, in that particular case, contractors and developers are eligible for a diamond bonus in scoring if they uses Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) and Safety and Health Assessment System in Construction (SHASSIC) for their construction projects.

In the meantime, CIDB previously issued the Construction Industry Standard CIS 19:2012 Draft and requested the public to provide feedback on the Green Performance Assessment System in Construction (Green PASS) draft.

 By July, CIDB will work with the Malaysian Green Tech Corporation (MGTC) and several government agencies to test the effectiveness of the Green PASS assessment to construction projects in Malaysia through a pilot project that has been agreed.

Report of the National Construction Portal, 1BINA on Green PASS can be found in http://www.1bina.my/blog/2011/12/01/konsep-bangunan-hijau-sahut-polisi-kerajaan and http://1bina.my/ blog/2012/01/16/draf-cis-19-2012-untuk-komen-umum
-- 1BINA.my

1 comment:

  1. YES, it should be Compulsary Rating! is it with SIRIM recognition?
