Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cara warga China mencuri gas

Beginilah cara rakyat China mencuri gas dengan mengisinya di dalam beg plastik yang besar. Tidak pasti pula bagaimana cara mereka menyimpannya.

There is an oil well on the west side of Yellow River 12 Road in Binzhou City, Shandong Province.  Many villagers of nearby villages often come here to take gas home by filling a giant plastic bag with nature gas, which really make people sweat for them.  On February 20, oil field staff said, what villagers are doing are really dangerous, however the villagers never stopped when discouraged many times.

The oil extraction machines were under normal operation; an oil tank and a large gas furnace were placed on both sides of the oil extraction machine, and there was no one guarding.   10 am in the morning, a middle-aged woman came to the extraction machine with a large plastic bag.  This woman skillfully unscrewed the gas valve, and then she connected it to her bag she was carrying.  The plastic bag quickly expanded, and soon formed into a huge air balloon, 6 meters long and 1 meter in diameter.  About after 4 minutes, the air bag was full.


There is more than just this one oil well in Binzhou, all the other wells near village are all extracted by other villagers as well.  “Some villages even connected a natural gas pipeline directly from the well to the villages.  Each household then connects to it to use as a power source.  Once there was an electricity outage with the gas pipeline, villagers unknowingly still had the natural gas stove turned on, when the electricity came again, huge among of the natural gas came in contact with the open flame, resulted in an explosion.”  One oil production plant staff said.

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