Friday, June 17, 2011

Question on Malaysia Green Building Rating Tool GBI

I have forwarded the GBI email for Q&A Session to my fellow friends. Below are the questions they want to ask to GBI. Maybe I need to edit some question .

Question for GBI:

  • Can we calculate the parking capacity to include both new and existing blocks as the new additional blocks has taking over the existing carpark area?
  • For non chemical water treatment system, can we use bio enzyme cleaning agent at cooling tower?
  • Can we score 1 point on innovation if the recycling of test fire fighting water is by having rain water harvesting? i.e. water not circulated back to the fire fighting water tank but to water the rain water harvesting tank?
  • Why GBI is Sdn Bhd?
  • Shouldn't you be like not-for-profit organisation?
  • We have dealt with the environmental issue since thousands of years, why now?
  • Why to do green have to be more expensive?
  • If I build a house at my kampung at hill foot, no air conditioning, no electricty/ elctricity generated from a small hydro power, water from well/river/waterfall, all waste is burned at the back, all organic waste from myself is thrown back inside the earth, a lot of trees and my roof is from atap rumbia...will I get platinum from GBI, LEED, BREEAM, GREEN STAR, GREEN MARK etc since I am very very very healthy 100% quality air, zero energy and zero waste???
  • Can we get 3 points on the enhance commissioning since we have started the construction works.
  • Why the GBI fees is more than LEED for project in Malaysia? The difference in very huge, 40% higher.

I also received several harsh questions such as below. Wondering should I submit it to GBI:-
  • Can GBI close shop since they become the arm of finance-fraud-tried to look noble by shouting environmental friendly-having to import the equipment for out of our country and the cost is unreasonably high-zionist like?
  • Can GBI close shop since they try to teach ajaran sesat and become the arm of the ones who are always trying to rake extra money from us?
  • Can GBI close shop because it is analogically trying to teach a Dean of the Best University what is the alphabet A, B and C...and the sequence or understanding is wrong some more?

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