Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kenaikan Tarif Elektrik 2011

Purata tarif elektrik baru akan dinaikkan sebanyak 2.23 sen kilowatt sejam atau 7.12 peratus kepada 33.54 sen/kWj daripada 31.31 sen/kWj, berkuat kuasa Rabu ini.

Langkah berkenaan tidak akan menjejaskan 75 peratus pengguna yang menggunakan kurang daripada 300 kw sebulan. - BERNAMA

New electricity tariff rates will be in place effective from 1st June 2011. The following are several quick facts about the new electricity tariff:
  • New tariff to reflect the increase in gas price (i.e. from RM10.70 per mmBTU to RM13.70 per mmBTU) whilst the coal price is still assumed at USD85 per tonne (CIF) (i.e. the price used in March 2009 tariff adjustment).
  • The existing tariff rates will also be revised upwards to partly recover for the increase in electricity cost of supply since the last base tariff review in June 2006.
  • In line with the Renewable Energy (RE) Act which was passed in April 2011, the Government will impose 1% as Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) for RE Fund, effective 1st September 2011. The fund will be utilised for promotion and development of RE projects and initiatives and will be managed by Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) under the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water.

In summary, the major features of the new electricity tariff rates are as follows:-

  • Average tariff will be increased by 7.12%. The increase is contributed by:
    • Average 5.12% increase due to the 28% upward revision of natural gas price to the power sector from RM10.70/mmBTU to RM13.70/mmBTU; and
    • Average 2.0% increase to partly recover for the increase of electricity cost of supply since June 2006
  • Industrial Consumers: average increase of 8.35% (ranging between 6.2% to about 10%).
  • Commercial Consumers: average increase of 8.35% (ranging between 6.2% to about 8.35%).
  • Domestic / Residential Consumers:
    • No tariff increase for monthly consumption of up to 200 kWh (Lifeline Band). The rate has been maintained at a highly subsidised rate of 21.8 sen/kWh in the past tariff reviews since 1997.
    • Consumers using 300kWh per month and below will not experience tariff increase.
  • Hence, no tariff increase to 75% of the household consumers (4.4 million consumers) i.e.
    • No tariff increase for Lifeline Band (3.3 million consumers)
    • No tariff increase for 201-300 kWh band (1.1 million consumers)

1 comment:

  1. Sincerely I don't understand why when we are exporting oil throughout the world, having a large gas and perhaps fuel oil reserve, we need to be affected by the oil price hike. Price go up, money is more. if our family business is good, everybody is happy and enjoy the fruit. But it seems a peculiar behaviour in our case. Oil price go up, Malaysia sell more but most people become poorer. By Allah, when are these people will stop telling lies. We can be like the Saudis.
