Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Loji Nuklear Kalininskaya NPP, Rusia

The Kalininskaya NPP is located in the Tver Region near the city o Udomlya (it’s about 300 km from Moscow). Its construction began in 1974. Ten years later the first unit was finished. Now there are 4 of them (it’s well seen in the picture). The last one is still being constructed though.

All of them have concrete domes and this is the main difference from Fukushima I which didn’t actually have any serious protection.

One of the rooms.

The capsules with waste products are sealed here.

The conduit of the furnace system.

The upper part of the furnace system and a hatch for waste products loading.

The waste products processing is controlled from this room.

Here the sealed capsules are checked for radiation.

The hall for their storing.

Capsules with waste products.

Small hatches of the pits. Each of them is about 16 m in depth.

A larger container for waste products. “Weight – 16 tons”.

Workers of the Kalininskaya NPP.

The frames controlling the radiation level.

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