Tuesday, July 27, 2010

MS 1529 - Malaysia Organic Food Standard

MS 1529: 2001

The standard was developed by the Working Group on Organic Foods which comprises representatives from the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Health, Malaysian Palm Oil Board MPOB), Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA), Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Centre for Environment Technology and Development Malaysia (CETDEM), a few organic product producers and SIRIM Berhad.

This standard has been prepared to provide a harmonized approach to the requirements, which relate to the production of, and the labelling and claims for, organically produced foods. It sets out the principles of organic production at farms, preparation, storage, transport, labelling and marketing stages. This standard also provides an indication of accepted permitted inputs for soil fertilising and conditioning, pest and disease control and, food additives and processing aids.

The aims of this standard are:

a) to protect consumers against deception and fraud in the market place and unsubstantiated product claims;

b) to protect producers of organic produce against misrepresentation of other agricultural produce as being organic;

c) to ensure that all stages of production, preparation, storage, transport and marketing are subject to inspection and comply with this standard;

d) to harmonise provisions for the production, certification, identification and labeling of organically grown produce;

e) to provide national standard for organic food control system in order to facilitate recognition of national systems as equivalent for the purpose of export, and

f) to maintain and enhance organic agricultural systems in Malaysia so as to contribute to local and global sustainability.

The standard applies to both unprocessed plant and plant product, and processed products for human consumption (derived mainly from unprocessed plant and plant products) which carry or intended to carry, descriptive labelling referring to organic production methods.

Inspection and certification

Inspection and certification systems are used to verify organic production system and the labelling of, and claims for, organically produced foods. The institutional framework for the process of inspection and certification of organic products in this country is shown in the chart below. As in the chart, the Department of Agriculture will initially be the certifying body. This is to ensure that the cost of inspection and certification will be kept to the minimum as organic industry in Malaysia is still in the preliminary stage of development.

The procedures and guidelines for inspection and certification are being formulated. This will be followed by intensive training of inspectors.


MS 1529 and the related inspection and certification systems are new beginnings for the organic industry in this country. With these, consumers will not be deceived and producers of organic products are protected against other food products falsely labelled as organic.

It is hoped that more farmers will convert to organic farming, as this method of production is environmental friendly and in harmony with nature. Moreover, the demand for organic products is steadily increasing from both the domestic and international markets.


  1. Hi, I am a degree student in local University. I am doing a research about green technology help to reduce global warming.
    My question is

    to what extent or how successful that green technology help to reduce global warming or environmental issue in Malaysia?

    secondly, What do think with the involvement of higher-student learning in the green technology project?

    My final question is, how to create awareness among our society especially younger generation in order to realize how important global warming issue in Malaysia?

    I really appreciate if you can give feedback as soon as possible in order for me to complete my research which due on 12 Nov

    Thank you soo much for your corparation


  2. organic food is always the best option rather than conventional foods :D

  3. hi, I m Allan involving in skin care products. i would like to get my products certified too because all my products use natural ingredients.

    my email:
    my website:
