Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hippo Roller Water Project - New trend fetching potable water

Old skool


New trendy fetching portable water

In some African villages, fetching potable water can take most of an entire day, and is typically a chore left to women and children. The Hippo Roller is a simple tool for transporting water from distant watering-holes back to homes and villages – an alternative to the traditional 5-gallon-barrels-on-heads approach.

The product itself is similar to a barrel with a handle that you push ahead of you like a steamroller’s drum, and has a capacity of 90 liters / 24 gallons. That’s nearly a 5X increase in productivity. In the past 15 years, the Hippo Roller Water Project has distributed over 30,000 rollers, directly benefiting over 200,000 people. More information.

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