Monday, August 19, 2013


型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
温莎结(Windsor Knot)
温莎结(Windsor Knot)是一种再经典不过的领带打法了,不过因为这种领结非常饱满,特别适合正式场合,因此很少被运用在日常生活中。在经典领带打法中,温莎结也算是一个难度比较高的领带打法,下面请看图解。
型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
温莎结(Windsor Knot)
型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
Trinity Knot(三一结)
Trinity Knot(三一结)的来源不明,也许是某人无聊在家研究系领带的时候创造的领带打法。这种领带结非常美,用三个部分交织成一个完美的三角。不过切记要用轻薄质地的领带来打这种领带结,不然就会让领带结显得特别粗重。
型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
Trinity Knot(三一结)
用不同质地的领带来打Trinity Knot会有不同的效果,比如用光滑缎面质感的领带来打Trinity Knot就会加强华丽的效果。不过Trinity Knot一定要系得很紧,不然容易松垮下来。
型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
Trinity Knot(三一结)
Trinity Knot的前面几个步骤有点类似温莎结的打法,只不过温莎结是用领带粗的那一头来打,而Trinity Knot用的是领带较细的那一头来打领带结。9和10两个步骤是最关键的步骤,系的时候要将领带面舒展整齐,不然最后的领带结效果会显得皱巴巴。
型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
Eldredge Knot(埃尔德雷奇结)
最后向大家隆重推出的是Eldredge Knot,一个非常美但是非常复杂的领带结。来源大约是在08年某人在非常无聊的情况下发明的,然后他把视频教程发到了Youtube上,于是这种领带结便由此走红。当然,也有人说Eldredge Knot是从Tumblr上流传出来的,真相具体是什么,现在已经不得而知了。
型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
Eldredge Knot(埃尔德雷奇结)
Eldredge Knot体现了完美的饱满,三角,和层次感,它让我们知道原来领带还可以这样系。不管谁看到这个领带结,一定都很想去挑战一下。下面就来一起学习吧。
型男课堂进阶版 高难度领带结怎么系?
Eldredge Knot(埃尔德雷奇结)

和Trinity Knot一样,Eldredge Knot也是用较细的那一头来打领带的。前面的五个步骤是半温莎结的打法,在完成第一层领带结以后,再在此基础上绕上一层。结束以后要把多出来的一小节领带藏到领带结后面去。和温莎结一样,Eldredge Knot也是适合宽领衬衫

Sunday, August 18, 2013


It was a disgrace, a most shameful chapter in Egyptian history. The police – some wearing black hoods – shot down into the crowds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters from the roof of Cairo’s Ramses Street police station and surrounding streets.

They even fired at traffic on the airport highway. And to see their terrible work, you had only to climb the pink marble steps of the Al-Fath Mosque – sticky with fresh blood yesterday evening – and see the acre of wounded lying on deep-woven carpets and, in a remote corner, 25 shrouded corpses. Dr Ibrahim Yamani gently lifted the bandages from their bodies: shot in the face, shot in the head, shot in the chest.

So now we have the Ramses Square Massacre – these bloodbaths seem to come by the week, if not by the day – and even as I left the mosque last night, where praying Muslims knelt beside the moaning wounded, a team of paramedics pounded on the chest of a terribly wounded young man. “We are going to lose him,” one of the other doctors said. So was it now 26 dead? The paramedics talked of exploding bullets, and certainly one man’s head had been half blown away. His face was unrecognisable.

R4BIA - Anti-coup protesters in Egypt


“Rabaa” meaning four or the fourth in Arabic has become the sign of anti-coup protests in Egypt. Just a few hours before the massacre on August 14, anti-coup protesters in Egypt tried to voice their demands to the world by raising their four fingers. Rabaa al-Adawiya Square, being as famous as Tahrir Square in Cairo due to resistance of hundreds of thousands of anti-coup protesters going on for more than two months, has witnessed one of the gravest massacres of recent years.

EGYPT ANTI COUP PROTESTS - Reactions on Friday around the world to developments in Egypt

Reactions on Friday around the world to developments in Egypt following clashes in which hundreds of people were killed and thousands injured:

Their frustration were targeted at Egypt's army chief Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi.Morsi appears to enjoy the support of many Malaysians. They recognise him as a democratically elected leader and blame the West for practising double standards in upholding democracy.
While many Malaysians are condemning the killing in Egypt, the Malaysian government has urged the Egyptian authorities to exercise restraint.

Monday, August 5, 2013

klia2 - Hari Raya Decorative

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Hari Raya 2013 - Hentian Bas Duta

Stesen Bas sesak dengan warga Kuala Lumpur yang pulang berhari raya

Illegal Ah Long Advertisement - Loan Shark bills and posters - Permandangan Indah Iklan Along Di Malaysia

Many parts of the city plastered with stickers or lined with illegal advertisements by these loan sharks

CSR - Solar Power System for Malaysia Schools

Sekolah Menengah Maxwell

Solar Photovoltaic Systems to 10 local schools. The Solar PV Systems donation kicks start with two schools in central Malaysia -- Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Damansara Jaya and Sekolah Menengah Maxwell, with eight other local schools in the different states benefiting from this eco education initiative within the year.

Ramadhan - Kuala Lumpur Experience 2013

Masjid Wilayah

Masjid Wilayah

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman

Ramadhan Street Da'wah @ Bukit Bintang

Ramadhan Street Da'wah at Bukit Bintang