Creative Staircase Design - Rekabentuk Tangga Yang Kreatif

cool staircaseAnyone wanting or already in the process of redesigning their multi-level home should take a look at these cool staircases, which break away from the standard design and add some creative flair. Continue reading to see them all.

1. Spiral Staircase Slide
Creative spiral staircase design with incorporated slide for kids.

2. Minimal Staircase
Unique staircase designed by Ecole for modern apartment in Paris.

3. Bookshelf Staircase
Spiral staircase lined with bookcases by Portuguese architect Manuel Maia Gomes will hold 6000 books.

4. Retractable Stairs
Cool retractable staircase designed for easy access to the attic.

5. Spiral Staircase
Beautiful spiral staircase carved from wood by Patrick Jouin.


6. Ribbon Staircase
Beautiful contemporary staircase designed by HSH architects.

7. Staircase Slide
London architect Alex Michaelis installed a slide next to the staircase in his new home.

Green Building Rating : Energy Efficiency for Data Center - Power usage effectiveness (PUE)

The main different for green data center compare to others is the use of  PUE. Below is the detail about PUE.

Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a measure of how efficiently a computer data center uses its power; specifically, how much of the power is actually used by the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead).
PUE is the ratio of total amount of power used by a computer data center facility to the power delivered to computing equipment.
An ideal PUE is 1.0. Anything that isn't considered a computing device in a data center (i.e. lighting, cooling, etc.) falls into the category of facility power usage.
 \mathrm{PUE}  =  {\mbox{Total facility power} \over \mbox{IT equipment power}}

Which should we use for GBI NRNC : Data Center?
Use BEI or PUE if either building or data centre proper energy use constitutes more than 75% of the total energy use. (If building more than 75% - BEI, if Data center more than 75%-PUE, )
Otherwise (both less than 75%), calculate both BEI and PUE with the lower point score applicable .

PUE equal to 1 is an ideal case.  Average data center design, the PUE = 2.
PUE=1.5 is consider efficient and PUE =1.2 is normally consider very efficient.

Below is some survey for several data center. There is no data center can achieve PUE 1, the highest is only PUE = 1.2.( most green building rated is as highly efficient data center).

Logo Hari Merdeka ke 55 yang ditarik balik oleh Rais Yatim

(Logo Hari Merdeka ke 55 yang ditarik balik oleh Rais)

KUALA LUMPUR: Selepas diserang kiri dan kanan akhirnya Datuk Seri Rais Yatim menarik balik logo hari kemerdekaan negara yang ke 55.

Namun, Rais berhelah bahawa "Bahan hiasan (artwork) yang dipaparkan oleh sesetengah pihak setakat ini hanyalah paparan selingan bukan logo rasmi." 

Rais berkata demikian dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan hari ini.

Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim menjelaskan tiada logo rasmi digunakan bagi sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan ke-55 tahun ini, melainkan logo 1Malaysia sepertimana sambutan pada tahun lepas.

Beliau berkata, sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan kali ini menggunakan tema "55 Tahun Merdeka Janji Ditepati".

Rais berkata, akan ada beberapa bahan promosi lain dipaparkan menjelang Hari Merdeka 31 Ogos dan Hari Malaysia 16 September.

Pelbagai pihak mempersoalkan mengapa logo sambutan Hari  Kemerdekaan ke-55, yang memaparkan gabungan logo 1Malaysia, bendera Malaysia dan tulisan "55 Merdeka Janji Ditepati", hanya ala kadar dan tidak mempunyai nilai-nilai seni yang tinggi.

Selain logo, turut dikritik adalah lagu temanya serta temanya.

Namun sehingga kini, lagu dan slogan itu masih dikekalkan.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Karnival Kesihatan Masjid Al Muttaqin Wangsa Melawati 2012

Karnival Kesihatan Masjid Al Muttaqin Wangsa Melawati,

Semua dijemput hadir.

14 Julai 2012 , Sabtu
8 pagi sehingga 1 tengah hari

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

GreenPASS : Malaysia new Green Building Rating for construction


CIDB menjelang bulan Julai ini akan bekerjasama dengan Malaysian Green Tech Corporation (MGTC) dan beberapa agensi kerajaan  bagi menguji keberkesanan penilaian Green PASS kepada projek pembinaan di Malaysia menerusi satu projek pilot yang telah dipersetujui.

Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia : promosi untuk Pendaftaran Perniagaan & Pembaharuan Perniagaan (RENEW).

Untuk makluman semua, Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia ada buat promosi untuk Pendaftaran Perniagaan & Pembaharuan Perniagaan (RENEW). Untuk pendaftaran baru ialah RM50 + RM10 (salinan maklumat perniagaan) utk 5 tahun terus!!.. Renew pun sama RM50 utk 5 tahun!!.. 

Harga asal utk pendaftaran perniagaan ialah RM60 + RM10 (salinan maklumat perniagaan), pastu kalo nak renew terus 5 tahun kne tambah RM60 lg utk setiap tahun.. so, RM310!! ..jd, korang dah jimat RM310 - RM60 = RM250!!!

Untuk renew je, pon sama.. RM50 utk 5 thn!! Kalo harga asal utk nama Trade (Enterprise) RM60 setahun, so kalo 5 thn RM300!.. so, korang dah jimat RM300 - RM50 = RM250 .. utk nama Sendiri (Ali bin Abu) RM30 setahun, so kalo 5 thn RM150!.. so, dah jimat RM100!

Promosi bermula dari 1 Jun - 31 Dis 2012.

Sebarang maklumat sila layari !

Link to the promosi

SEDA : Fong sheds light on solar energy projects

The Star
PETALING JAYA: The body responsible for managing renewable energy has refuted claims of irregularities in awarding approvals to produce solar energy to companies allegedly linked to the daughter of former chief secretary to the government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan.
The selection was above board as it was done through an online system, said Sustainable Energy Development Authority (Seda) chairman Tan Sri Dr Fong Chan Onn.
“There is no manual intervention by anyone. The records in the computer are open for inspection,” he said when interviewed yesterday.