Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hadis berkaitan kelebihan Miskin berbanding Kaya

Dari Jabir bin Abdullah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, 

“Seorang muslim yang fakir akan memasuki syurga empat puluh tahun terlebih dahulu daripada seorang muslim yang kaya.” 

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, 

“Orang-orang fakir akan memasuki syurga terlebih dahulu daripada orang-orang kaya dengan kadar setengah hari. Dan setengah hari bersamaan lima ratus tahun.” 

Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.huma. meriwayatkan bahawa baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, 

“Pada hari kiamat kelak akan dihimpunkan sekalian manusia dan akan diseru kepada mereka: Dimanakah orang-orang fakir dan miskin di kalangan umat ini? 

Nabi bersabda: Mereka semua akan bangun dan dikatakan kepada mereka: Apakah yang engkau amalkan? 

Mereka akan menjawab: Wahai Allah! Engkau telah menguji kami (dengan kemiskinan) namun kami tetap bersabar. 

Engkau telah memberikan harta dan pemerintahan kepada orang selain daripada kami. 

Allah berfirman: Kamu bercakap benar! Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: 

Lantas mereka (Orang Miskin) dimasukkan ke dalam syurga terlebih dahulu daripada orang lain. 

Dan yang tertinggal dengan penghisaban yang keras adalah hanya di kalangan orang-orang yang kaya dan para pemerintah.” 

[Ibnu Hibban] 

Nombor Plat Kereta Malaysia Yang Menarik

MAFIA mana la pakai no plat ni

Sentiasa datang AWAL
Submit report AWAL

Peliknya no plat ni, ada jugak orang nak

Menteri Besar Kedah

Kenapa ramai VIP suka nombor 55, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary pun no plat 55.

MM - Mahathir Mohamad


Jejai lagi, takkan no sama untuk dua kereta yang berbeza pada masa yang sama

Ketua Menteri Melaka

Pemilik tidak diketahui

Orang yang bijaksana, sentiasa ingat mati

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cubaan menculik gadis di Curve Damansara

From email:

As I sit here writing this, I am just so grateful to be alive.

To think that 30 hours ago I had a knife to my throat, face to face with the threat of being kidnapped and raped.

It was a Sunday, at 5.22PM. I was alone, walking towards my boyfriend's car in level B2 of The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. He was not in town, and I was running errands with his car. Just as I was putting my shopping bags in the rear seat, the rear car door was slammed against my back, and a meat cleaver was pressed against my throat. A man covered my mouth with his hand, and whispered not to scream. He then shoved me onto the floor of the backseat of the car and waved the cleaver at me, reminding me not to scream. He was skinny, wearing a baggy turqoise blue t-shirt, had a thick moustache and short curly hair, approx 5'8", mid-30s, and of Indian descent.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

World Press Freedom Day - Hari Kebebasan Akbar Sedunia

Sin Chew Daily
The United Nation General Assembly declared May 3 as the World Press Freedom Day in 1991 to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right of freedom of expression.
On this day over the past 19 years, the world's members of the media had reaffirmed the basic principles of the freedom of the press, expressed their determination in defending the freedom of the press, and even paid the highest respect and remembrance to those who have lost their lives in harness.
In Malaysia, we must use the opportunity to reflect and repeatedly ask ourselves: Do we enjoy the freedom of press?
Unfortunately, pressmen were violently treated during the recent Bersih 3.0 rally. Some of them were assaulted and injured, some of them had their cameras snatched and some of them had their photos deleted. That day is undoubtedly the darkest and ugliest day in the media history of Malaysia!
Unfortunately, such an incident infringing the freedom of the press took place less than a month after the Printing Presses and Publications (Amendment) Bill 2012 was passed in the Dewan Rakyat!
Unfortunately, the incident showing our backsliding freedom of the press happened less than three months after Malaysia was reported to have moved up to the 122nd place from the 144th place in the Press Freedom Index 2011/2012 compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF).
Unfortunately, the RSF pointed out in the report that although there is an improvement to the freedom of the press in Malaysia, they are still not optimistic about it. Sadly, the "prophecy" has actually come true!
The freedom of the press is one of the criteria to test democratic politics. As members of the media, we have to admit that the freedom of the press that we are having in Malaysia today is still having many serious deficiencies. There are sill various kinds of laws to suppress the freedom of expression. As a result, the media have been struggling in playing the sacred role of the Fourth Estate to supervise the government, push reforms and promote social progress.
Although the freedom of the press in Malaysia has been slightly opened and improved, the openness is limited while the improvement is slow. It is because, there are still many so-called taboos that must not be touched, and many so-called sensitive boundaries that must not be crossed over. The Printing Presses and Publications (Amendment) Bill 2012 still retains the provision stating that "a person found to have maliciously published any false news shall be guilty of an offence punishable for jail of three years and/or fine of RM20,000 maximum."
In other words, media practitioners are still subject to be charged, fined and imprisoned for their publications. We are still being haunted by the fear.
Another worry is, it seems that our freedom of speech has been trampled by "ideologies" and "partisan camps". The division based on either friend or foe leaves no room for a calm and rational voice, causing a confusion in the concept of democracy and freedom, as well as a disorder in behaviour. It is in fact another kind of interference that brings the media a new fear.
The freedom of the press is the cornerstone of a democratic society while public opinion is a force to drive social progress. On the World Press Freedom Day, I hope that all from the ruling and alternative coalitions will reflect and work hard together with members of the media. Although we are disappointed today, we must still see a hope for tomorrow!

Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah menyarankan supaya setiap pemaju perumahan di Selangor menyediakan dana yang mencukupi untuk penghijauan alam sekitar

SHAH ALAM: Sultan Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah menyarankan supaya setiap pemaju perumahan di Selangor menyediakan dana yang mencukupi untuk penghijauan alam sekitar. 

Baginda bertitah, kewujudan kawasan hijau sebagai komponen utama di sesuatu kawasan perumahan amat penting untuk pembangunan keseluruhan negeri Selangor.
"Perlu dipastikan kedudukan kawasan hijau strategik dan praktikal bagi memudahkan semua penghuni mengunjunginya dan beriadah dengan mudah, aman dan selamat.
"Penanaman pokok untuk penghijauan juga adalah bagi menyokong inisiatif menyelamat alam sekitar," titah baginda ketika melancarkan 'Trees To Green', satu projek tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) I & P Group Sdn Bhd di Alam Impian di sini, hari ini. 

Hadir sama, Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim; Pengerusi I & P Group, Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid; pengarah urusan I & P Group, Datuk Jamaludin Osman dan Ketua Pengarah Institut Penyelidikan Hutan Malaysia (FRIM), Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod. 

Baginda bertitah, kawasan perumahan yang boleh menjadi contoh baik ialah bila mana aspek keselamatan, kebersihan, keharmonian dan perpaduan sesama kaum seimbang dengan kehidupan penghuninya. 

Sultan Selangor turut berharap supaya usaha penghijauan alam sekitar menjadi agenda utama pihak berkuasa yang bertanggungjawab di negeri itu dan mereka hendaklah memantau serta memastikan penjagaan pokok yang ditanam dan kebersihan taman awam perlu dilakukan dengan berkesan. 
Selain itu, baginda bertitah, kejayaan penghijauan alam sekitar juga terletak atas tanggungjawab setiap penduduk dan meminta supaya setiap individu bersama-sama menjaga taman awam seperti menjaga kediaman sendiri. 

Baginda turut meminta supaya pihak pemaju atau pengusaha industri serta individu tidak menebang pokok dengan sewenang-wenangnya terutama pokok yang hidup dan membesar dengan subur serta berkualiti. 

"Pokok ini amat bernilai untuk kestabilan ekologi dan alam sekitar. Sebenarnya kita perlu menunggu untuk tempoh masa yang lama, kadang-kadang sehingga berpuluh-puluh tahun untuk sesuatu pokok itu membesar dengan subur dan berkualiti. Beta berharap di masa hadapan, beta dapat melihat lebih banyak lagi kawasan lapang dan taman awam di Selangor dilengkapi elemen yang disebutkan. 

"Secara khususnya beta berharap untuk melihat bandar raya Shah Alam ini sebagai 'Bandaraya Dalam Taman' yang keindahannya tidak hanya dinilai menerusi berapa banyak pembangunan fizikal tetapi yang lebih utama sistem ekologi yang terpelihara dalam mewujudkan suasana kondusif yang sesuai untuk didiami oleh semua golongan rakyat jelata," titah baginda. 

Melalui projek 'Trees To Green' itu, sebanyak 1,500 pokok membabitkan 50 spesies ditanam di Taman Idaman, Alam Impian dalam usaha menaikkan taraf taman awam itu kepada sebuah taman 'hutan mini'. - BERNAMA 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012