Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Net Lima Tower: The Philippines' first certified green building

The mega structure:

The Net Lima Tower is the first certified ‘Green’ mega structures of The Philippines. Chad Oppenheim is the concept design and master plan consultant of Net Metropolis 5th Avenue of which Net Lima is the first tower. It is located in the heart of the Fort Bonifacio Central Business District just outside of Manila.

There will be 3 office towers of Net Metropolis for creating maximum flexibility, comfort, and efficiency. The entire project is designed with versatility and efficiency in mind. Each tower floor plate is designed keeping in mind the differing tenant demands, minimizing interior columns and harnessing maximum sunlight penetration through the work environment.

The design incorporates all sustainability strategies, from passive external shading devices to roof mounted vertical access wind turbines to a graywater re-use system for irrigating all on site landscaping. The Net Metropolis 5th Avenue is an environmentally responsive building, standing as a landmark for the next generations of its developers. Top Philippine developer, The Net Group, selected Chad Oppenheim, who is a renowned green architect to create ’The Net Metropolis’, who participated with the Philippine Green Building Council (PHILGBC) in the actual creation of the nation’s new rating system BERDE (Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence) to implement the first tower in the project.

Designer+ Architecture: Chad Oppenheim, the Miami based famous green architect.

Location: the Net Metropolis is located in Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, The Philippines

What makes it mega?

The Net Metropolis, 5th Avenues is composed of three towers that covers a 3-acre block ranging from 24 to 40 stories that lay on six levels of above-grade parking. A total area of 1,550,000 square foot is required for the construction of this green project. The purpose of the project is clearly environmental and of course economical. The natural and architectural aspects are balanced by incorporating two recreational park providing a soothing environment. Since Net Lima is the first green building in Philippines various new green practices will be showcased in the local market.

As analyzed by PHILGBC, air conditioning is the largest and also the most expensive energy consumer for all commercial buildings in Philippines. To avoid this excessive usage of AC and avoid the directly incident solar heat in a natural way, the entire tower is covered with leading edge diagonal aluminum solar screen overlays also giving the pointed towards the sky-shape to the building. The double glazed curtain wall glass and low-emissivity coating rejects heat. Hence, the energy consumption as well as the costs dealing with AC is reduced. It also provides the building with natural light and scenic views.

Instead of steel tanks, fiberglass fuel storage tanks which have the facility of in built leak detection for generators which are used during power cuts. These tanks have a longer life and can be easily repaired and serviced. The condensate water from the AC, which is generally thrown away, is separately collected in a tank and used for cleaning and in cloak rooms. Also some part of the cool air which is exhausted is channeled to the passage which is covered with different shops and stalls to provide comfort cooling.


Designer+ Architecture: Chad Oppenheim, 35, is a Miami-based international architect, whose work encompasses all realms of design, ranging from large-scale urban architecture, museums, and universities, to interiors and furnishings. The international award winner architect received his Bachelor of architect from Cornell University in the year 1994. Founded in 1999, Oppenheim Architecture + Design (OAD) has garnered global recognition for socially and environmentally conscious architecture, as well as setting trends in the sustainable and humanitarian sectors.
Location: Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, The Philippines
Purpose: Mixed use development; office block with 3 towers ranging from 24 to 40 stories, ground level retail, 6 levels of above-grade parking and 1 level sub-grade parking
Surface Area: 1,550,000-square-foot
Construction Time: Office/retail complex beginning with the completion of The Net Lima in 2011. (Final completion of entire development set for 2014.)

Eco Credentials:
Since the project is the first green megastructure of Philippines, the entire project is constructed, keeping in mind the environmental aspects. The environmental as well as economical purpose is solved by the green building. The Union of environmental beauty and sustainability is clearly seen in the design. Derived from a study of solar conditions and scenic views, the towers are orientated so each is rotating off the other’s axis. Sustainability strategies have been incorporated in all facets of the design. The sun shading glass wraps the entire building that doesn’t allow solar heat to enter inside. And hence reducing the costs and energy consumption of AC. The water from the AC, which is considered a waste, is reused in the building toilets and also for irrigation purposes for on-site landscaping. The sun shading and curtain wall facade gives a distinctive look to the Net Lima and it will show out the green aspects of the beautiful building.

Trials Of Renewable Energy In Highways

Renewable energy technologies are likely to become more important as other energy sources become depleted and the cost of power generation using fossil fuels rises. Renewable sources of energy have considerable potential for increasing security of supply although, in most cases, they require significant initial investment. Recognising the importance of developing renewable energy resources, the Highways Agency commissioned a preliminary scoping study in 2001 to explore available methods and assess the possibility of renewable energy generation being exploited within the highway network. This study recommended a positive response by Highways Agency in implementing full-scale trials of renewable energy generation.

Among the various means of transportation, highways cover the widest and in effect the greatest area of our precious landmass. In context of the present scenario, spaces required for energy generation are becoming scarce day by day, and yet paradoxically no substantial effort has been made to make use of the very spaces incorporated by the highways themselves. Make no mistake – solar panels have been laid beside roads, wind turbines have been installed in breezy areas; but the highways themselves continue to be the least utilized ones.

Trends :

1. Solar Roadways

The Solar Roadway is a prototype of an ‘intelligent’ road with solar panels imbued onto the road itself. Along with generating clean electricity, these panels can also provide data about damages and other information, by the help of microprocessing boards embedded in them.

2. Solar Arch on Highways

The Solar Arch is a concept formulated by industrial designer Tyson Steele. It will provide covering for rural roads, that in turn can generate renewable solar energy for off-grid highway lighting. The Solar Arch can also supplement electricity demands in neighboring low capacity required areas.

3. Jet Stream Super-Highway

Conceived by industrial designer David Huang, this unique concept features vehicles extracting energy from the road infrastructure and roads in turn drawing energy from the environment. Based on an open-return wind tunnel design that produces a continuous stream of air flow from the environment, the roadway is shaped like a half-pipe in cross section. It has a series of solar-powered turbines and fans hovering above to push air into the road pathway, in addition to continuously drawing air at a controlled rate by outer drawing vents on the flanks – forming a cycle effect.

4. E Turbine on the Highways

Conceptualized by industrial designer Pedro Gomes and aptly named the E Turbine, it is basically a wind generation system that uses the air movement emanated from passing traffic to produce and accumulate energy. Supposedly it can also work with street and road lighting, information panels and emergency phones.

5. Green Roadway Project – Solar and wind generators mounted on Highways

Contrived by inventors Gene Fein and Ed Merritt, this >progressive project is based upon the green dictum of endless highways becoming metamorphosed into renewable energy generators, which could one day power our cities with clean energy and can also offer electricity for roadside charging of electric vehicles.

Informasi menarik mengenai Google

Beberapa informasi menarik mengenai GOOGLE.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Kerja Sambilan Sebagai Punchbag Wanita

Seorang lelaki telah menawarkan satu kerjaya sambilan sebagai punchbag untuk wanita yang stress.

Jurulatih gimnasium, Xiao Lin daripada Shenyang,China belum memberitahu keluarganya berkenaan kerjaya keduanya ini, seperti yang dilaporkan Liaoshen Evening Post.

Xiao menyatakan: "Ia sesuai dengan kerjaya sebenar saya. Saya memerlukan teman sparring.

"Dengan menjadi punchbag untuk wanita, saya boleh mendapat sedikit wang dan juga berlatih kemahiran mempertahankan diri saya, malah ia baik untuk kesihatan saya pada masa yang sama."

Dia menambah: "Pelanggan pertama saya seorang wanita berumur 25 tahun. Dia membayar setengah jam tetapi tidak lama kemudian dia kepenatan dan menghabiskan masanya hanya dengan berbual-bual dengan saya.

"Pelanggan kedua saya pula hanya bertahan untuk beberapa minit tetapi mereka kelihatan lebih ceria kemudiannya. Ia memberi kebaikan selepas melepaskan tekanan"

Xiao mendakwa memperolehi 100 Yuan (RM49.61) untuk satu sesi 30 minit.


Bagus juga idea ni, bole dapat duit, berlatih kene tahan tumbukan. Sape2 teringin nk lepas kan stress...

Muslim World Takes Steps for Making the Hajj Green

green mosque hajj mecca medina photo

Muslims recognize the Qu’ran has a lot to teach about ecology. A critical mass of Muslims are now working to make the annual Hajj pilgrimage greener. Green was, after all, Mohammad’s favorite color. Image via jonathangill

Ask around in Egypt and the environment is usually not on the top of most people’s agenda, especially considering the vast number of people living in poverty, unemployment rising, sexual harassment burgeoning and a government that constantly pushes its people toward oblivion. But that is not stopping a number of Muslim activists from speaking out on environmental issues, with calls in Jakarta recently at an environmental conference to turn the Islamic pilgrimage, or the Hajj, green.

The movement sees no qualms in combining faith with environmental protection. They argue that global warming does not discriminate between religion or region, activists said at the Jakarta meeting of the international Islamic green movement’s meeting.

Leading activist Mahmoud Akef of the Earth Mates Dialogue Center was one of nearly 200 Muslim delegates from across the world to call for a greener Hajj: “Because we are all living on this Earth and what is happening, or what’s affecting with regard to the climate change, affecting Americans, affects the Muslims here in Indonesia, affects Egypt, Muslims in Africa and Asia anywhere,” Akef said at the conference.

While the West has had lobbyists calling for environmental reform and a push toward ending carbon emissions to curtail global warming and climate change, for the post part, Muslim leaders and activists have shied away from the discussion. This is changing, and Akef is leading the charge.

He said that Muslim environmentalists want to have the message about climate change and global warming heard around the world, in the Middle East, in Islamic countries and in the mosques.

At the conference, the leaders announced a desire to implement a greener Hajj, where some three million Muslims participate in annually in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. They argued that it is the ideal location to raise awareness of global warming and the environmental impact individuals have.

The plan includes a ban on plastic bottles at Hajj sites and workshops about the link between environmental stewardship and the teaching of Islam.

Qu’ran as book of ecology

“The Qu’ran is kind of ecology book. A lot of verses tell about the environment and how to deal with the environment and how to protect the environment,” Akef said.

They are also looking into designating eco-friendly mosques and publish Islam’s Holy Book with paper from sustainable forests.

Muhammad Sembiring, part of the Indonesian environmental organization Kehati, says Muslim activists see no conflict between science and faith on the issue of the environment.

“It is proven there is totally no conflict, it is really [a] complement and it is shaking hands, it is matching,” Sembiring said.

The conference agreed that the meeting was a good starting point, but they added that a new approach to educating the larger population is needed in the near future.

From Rockstars to Recycling:Interview with Kristiane Backer – An Eco-Muslimah

“For me green living is part and parcel of being a good Muslim- it’s a spiritual requirement.”

Kristiane Backer has undergone various transformations in her life but none as big as the move from a rock and roll lifestyle as MTV reporter, interviewing the Rolling Stones and Lenny Kravitz, to an Eco-Muslimah promoting the green message of Islam.

A fateful meeting with famous cricketer Imran Khan at the pinnacle of her success in the late ’90s, drew her attention to Islam and also the realization that something was missing in her life. Inspired by the message of the Qur’an, travel to Muslim countries and the beauty of Sufi poetry, she decided to become a Muslim. Kristiane, who recently launched a campaign which highlights the Prophet’s respect for the environment, took time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions about what it means to be an Eco-Muslimah.

You recently launched the ‘Inspired by Muhammed’ campaign, how do you feel that Islam’s green message will encourage a more positive and balanced understanding of Islam?

KB: Islam’s message is so strong and clear when it comes to preserving the environment and respecting nature, these are inherent values of our faith. I think knowing this will at least make people think because the ecological crisis affects everyone. And any set of ethical principles that encourage green living, has to not only be respected but also looked into and encouraged for the common cause of saving the planet or living a life pleasing to God.

Tell us some of the core green principles inspired by Islam.

KB: Nature is God’s creation and a sacred space so respecting it is akin to charity- it is a way of remembering God. There are hundreds of verses in the Qur’an that speak about the earth, nature and its resources which tells us that the earth is a trust and we are its stewards which is a role we must fulfill responsibly.

The Prophet Muhammad was sent as a mercy to all creation, including animals and plants. He had a very close relationship with nature. He taught us to observe the elements, to marvel and draw teachings from the nature around us. And he emphasized that we must be careful in using its resources, not to waste water even if standing next to a running stream and if the last hour comes and we have a sapling in our hand that we should plant it.

That means till the very last moment we need to have hope and be involved in the renewal of life.

People’s relationship with nature are governed by an ethical and spiritual understanding of nature as God’s Creation and must be based on contemplation and respect. Even in war he taught us to respect nature.

How does Islam influence your personal environmental-awareness and day-to-day lifestyle?

KB: I try to live as environmentally conscious as much as possible- I recycle, hang my washing out weather permitting and cycle around my area. For me green living is part and parcel of being a good Muslim- it’s a spiritual requirement.

Do you think that environmental awareness in the Muslim world is lagging in comparison with the rest of the world? What could be done to change this?

KB: Yes! I think there are many more efforts to develop renewable energy in Germany for example than in the Muslim world. I think Muslims are largely ignoring this part of our faith. I went to the gulf the other day and was shocked to see many empty sky rises with all the lights on.

I think we need to realize that a green consciousness is equivalent to God consciousness. Living green is living according to God’s commands. Once we realize this, insha Allah (god willing) the rest will follow.

Kristiane Backer

There are certain environmental activists who argue that the practice of Hajj (air travel) and the Muslim world’s dependence on oil is incompatible with green principles. Would you agree?

KB: Well, the whole world is dependent on oil and urgently needs to develop sustainable energy as well as cutting it’s use of oil and other natural resources because it will run out. We are all in the same boat and need to collaborate for the common good, according to the Qur’anic principle: compete with one another in good deeds. I am sure ways could be developed to make the Hajj more environmentally conscious.

Finally, If you could get all Muslims to do one thing for the planet what would it be?

KB: Several things: Less pollution, more clean energy and much more respect and care for nature and animals.

Okay, so Kristiane slightly cheated and got more than one wish but who could blame her! Green Prophet want to thank her for taking part and hopefully we’ll be hearing from more Eco-Muslims across the world in future.

::Kristaine Backer’s Website

Green Petrol Station

The new station is located in The Meadows, part of Dubai’s Emirates Living residential area, and is fitted with noise reduction barriers and a system that collects the harmful vapours released from fuels, as well as solar lights, water recycling and other “green” features. ENOC’s ‘green’ station is the first of its kind in the region to generate half of its energy requirements from renewable sources.


ENOC Dubai's 'Green' Petrol Station

According to ENOC’s Chief Executive Officer, Saeed Abdullah Khoory, the ‘green’ station is one in a series of eco-friendly initiatives the oil company has been supporting for a greener future in the Middle Eastern region. “With the opening of the station, we are setting a trend not only in the UAE but across the Middle East. We are encouraging Dubai residents to reduce their environmental footprints by using the green services we provide,” he said.

Zaid al-Qufaidi @ Alroyya interview

“There is a mindset that oil companies are polluting companies and are not responsible,” said Zaid al Qufaidi, the head of the retail business stream of ENOC/EPPCO. He said he hoped once motorists became aware of the technologies on the site, such perceptions would change for the better.

“As a company with over 30 subsidiaries and more than 6,000 employees, we believe our actions have a direct impact on the community and the environment,” said Saeed Abdullah Khoory.

However, one major setback is the financial cost. While it costs about Dh18 million to build a station of this size, the clean technology investment comes with a 20 percent increase.

The Science Bit ‘Where Bad Fumes Turn Good’

As a car is refuelled, vapours in the fuel tank escape into the atmosphere. These vapours contain toxic volatile compounds that are harmful to people and the environment.

On calm, sunny days, these compounds react with other pollutants to form smog, known to scientists as ground-level ozone.

Repeated exposure to smog can increase the risk of respiratory infections in healthy people as well as aggravate pre-existing conditions like asthma.

Ground-level ozone also has strong global-warming potential.

According to researchers, about 0.5 percent of pumped fuel evaporates at a temperature of 40°Celsius.

The green filling station takes these vapours back, saving about 99 percent of these emissions. Once it is collected, the vapour goes into a central underground tank, where it is put under intense pressure and liquefied into fuel again.

The Green Bit

The petrol station serves 550 customers and uses an average of 65,000 litres of fuel a day. The renewable system has been under testing for two months at The Meadows petrol station and has already saved 22,000 litres of fuel.

The station is the first in the Gulf to have noise reduction barriers, a feature of particular importance considering its location in a residential area.

The petrol station also has a system that recycles water from its car wash, dubbing it a ‘waterless’ system that is more efficient than traditional car wash facilities. As vehicles are washed, the water – rather than going in the sewage network – is collected in an underground tank and purified so it can be used again.

To increase energy savings, the station uses light emitting diodes (LED), which are several times more efficient and last longer than traditional lights. Finally, outdoor lights and signs are powered by solar panels. Solar panels have increased usage throughout the Sahara Desert, and Middle East these past 5 years.

More Green features

  • The ENOC petrol station uses 30 green tactics, including:
  • A vapour cepollection system to trap toxic fumes that escape when fuel is loaded into the station’s main storage tanks, or into the fuel tanks of individual cars.
  • Sound reduction barriers to prevent noise pollution in the surrounding residential area.
  • A water recycling system at the car wash that allows waste water to be re-used.
  • Solar-powered lights and signage to reduce energy usage.
  • LED lights to reduce energy usage.
  • Recycling bins for residents.
  • Part of ENOC’s plans include manufacturing furniture made from recycled materials.

Despite all of these state-of-the-art ‘Green” technologies, the irony is obvious. The station attendants are armed with green-living brochures in one hand and gas pumps in the other. Critics say the green gas station is “like a vegetarian who eats fish”, – Grishaber.

However, this green station is as close to ‘environmentally friendly’ as an oil company can get in the UAE. Considering the limitations of technology, dependency on fossil fuels and the desert climate, ENOC’s effort at creating sustainable eco-friendly practices for an unsustainable resource like petrol is a positive, albeit tiny, step in the green direction.

Loji Tenaga Nuklear di Malaysia - 2011

Berikutan pengumuman bahawa Loji Tenaga Nuklear Malaysia akan beroperasi pada 2021, maka kecohlah seMalaysia, kebanyakkannya membincangkan mengenai bahawa nuklear. Teknologi nuklear digunakan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti penjanaan tenaga, teknologi senjata, perubatan, penyelidikan, pertanian dan juga industri. Di Malaysia sebenarnya teknologi nuklear dah lama ada. Di Malaysia, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia) atau dulunya Institut Penyelidikan Teknologi Nuklear Malaysia (MINT) dipertanggungjawabkan menyelidik teknologi nuklear dan teknologi yang berkaitan dengannya di Malaysia. Di antara aktiviti utama Nuklear Malaysia ialah penyelidikan dan pembangunan teknologi, khidmat teknikal, pembangunan tenaga manusia dan hubungan luar. Faciliti yang terdapat di ANM antaranya adalah reaktor nuklear (1MW), gamma irradiation (3) dan electron beam. Gamma irradiation adalah untuk kegunaan pensterilan, seperti produk getah, herbal, penghasilan benih untuk pertanian etc. Kemudahan sememangnya dah lama ada di Malaysia, dan sememangnya telah digunakan secara meluas.

Untuk membina loji tenaga nuklear, Malaysia harus mendapatkan kebenaran daripada Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa (IAEA) yang beribu pejabat di Vienna, Austria. Ini penting kerana bahan seperti uranium, tritium, plutonium boleh disalahguna untuk membuat senjata.

Sumber bahan mentah diperolehi daripada AS, Rusia atau Perancis. Sebuah loji nuklear 1000 megawatt elektrik memerlukan 30 tan metrik uranium. Kos sebuah loji nuklaer kira-kira RM bilion , menyamai jana elektrik yang lain.

Just nak share info, pada masa kini terdapat lebih kurang 441 loji tenaga nuklear di seluruh dunia (yang di umumkan), membekalkan lebih kurang 16% tenaga dunia.

Jepun, negara mangsa bom nuklear, juga mempunyai 55 loji tenaga nuklear, membekalkan 30% dari tenaga yang diperlukan. Kenapalah negara yang paling terkesan dengan nuklear pun terlibat dengan nuklear, tidak serik ke, adakah ingin membalas dendam ( hancur kerana nuklear, maju pun kerana nuklear), bukan tak pernah terjadi accident

Perancis pula 80% tenaga dibekalkan dari loji nuklear.

Benarkah tenaga nuklear murah?

From TheStar
Firstly, NP is not going to be cheap. Various studies estimate the cost of nuclear electricity to be higher than Malaysia's national average of RM0.30/kWh. Wall Street and independent energy analysts, whose cost projections have been the most accurate to date, put NP at an average of RM0.50/kWh.

DariAgensi Nuklear Malaysia ( ANM )

Soalan 1 Mengapa tenaga nuklear kini menjadi perhatian masyarakat dunia sebagai sumber tenaga masa depan?

Jawapan: Ini disebabkan di kebanyakan tempat di dunia, tenaga elektrik yang dihasilkan daripada loji kuasa nuklear adalah lebih murah berbanding daripada sumber alternatif yang lain. Ia juga disifatkan sebagai ‘teknologi bersih’, iaitu tanpa pembebasan karbon dioksida ke atmosfera.

Mana satu yang betul ni....

Menurut Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui Terengganu ataupun Kedah paling sesuai dibina reaktor ini kerana bebas dari jaluran risiko gempa bumi.

Dari apa yang saya dengar dari orang Kedah, telah ada bahagian Perubatan Nuklear di Hospital Sg Petani kerana ada kilang berkuasa nuklear. (tak confirm).

Malaysia mempunyai teknologi nuklear adalah satu kebanggaan sebagai rakyat Malaysia, apatah lagi kalau jadi Negara Kuasa Nuklear, sedangkan negara jiran pun mengorak langkah ke arah itu.

  • Loji tenaga nuklear Thailand terletak di Prachuab Khirikhan mampu mengeluarkan 1000 megawatt.
  • Loji tenaga nuklear Indonesia di Semenanjung Muria, Ja wa Timur mampu mengeluarkan 4000 megawatt siap pada 2011 dan beroperasi pada 2018. Pda 1965, Presiden Indonesia Sukarno pernah mengumumkan pembinaan loji tenaga nuklear tetapi gagal dilaksanakan.
  • Loji tenaga nuklear Vietnam di Institut Penyelidikan Nuklear Da Lat mampu mengeluarkan 500 kilowatt. Loji di Phu Yen akan beroperas i pada 2020.
  • Loji tenaga nuklear China berjumlah 40 buah.
  • Loji tenaga nuklear Korea Selatan memiliki 20 buah , menampung 40 % keperluan sumber tenaga.
  • Loji tenaga nuklear Taiwan berjumlah 6 buah , mampu mengeluarkan 4900 megawattt elektrik.
  • Mini reaktor nuklear Myanmar dibangunkan selepas memberi perlindungan kepada dua saintis nuklear Pakistan selepas peristiwa 911.

Disebalik kebaikan, Risiko loji tenaga nuklear memang ada, sedangkan bidang Oil & Gas yang ketat safety precaution pun tidak terlepas dari kemalangan. Pulak tu nak buat loji nuklear kat Kedah atau Terengganu, mesti orang sana tak nak punya.

Blum lagi masuk politik, Kedah bawah BA, mesti tak nak punya, Terengganu terpaksa le terima, tambah kalau pemimpin kerajaan pun ada share.

Apa-apa pun, utamakan kebajikan orang ramai, jangan kerana new solar power fit in tariff, harga tenaga elektrik naik, gaji sama juga. Yang terlibat je untung.

Malaysia juga harus kurang bergantung kepada produk negara lain, Malaysia mempunyai ramai pakar dalam bidang nuklear, Dr Zamzam ada, Dr Nahrul ada, Abdul Majid ( berilmu ruqyah lagi ), etc. Baru sekadar beberapa nama, kita ada rmi lagi pakar.

Malaysia kene tukar attitude dari pengguna teknologi kepada pencipta teknologi. Maka kurang la pengaliran duit ke negara lain, kurang komisen lagi, kos jadi murah, so bil pun tak mahal.

Isu lain pula adalah pengurusan sisa buangan. Nuclear waste mmg satu isu yang besar. Tanpa sistem pengurusan yang baik, risiko yang tertanggung amat lah besar.

Monday, February 14, 2011

UFO over Jerusalem / UFO Di Jerusalem

Video shows a UFO hovering over Jerusalem, it is true or fake? This is several video which show the evidences.

From weather file cameras

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Keadaan pelajar Malaysia Di Mesir

update 01:54pm 2/2/2011 (Rabu) GMT +8

dilaporkan oleh Azizi Al Fahri, sumber : pelajar Malaysia di Mansurah

"ada org dari malaysia kata ni : keadaan tenang n xda ape2 sgt.. cume dgr bunyi tembak sikit2... n mmg btol ad student kene peluru getah tu kat kaki.. tp x seryes.. n tentera ronda2 kt kawasan tu.. dorg sume stay je kt rumah n x keluar... ad dpt berita sal kene pack tu tp xda brita selanjutnye.. mybe dr ape yg diborakkn.. dorg kt tanta nh cm x rase ape2 sgt.. n dorg rase cm x perlu pn nk balik.. (dlm keadaan sekarang la.. makanan masih cukup)"

p/s: mohon maaf tak sempat edit semula, kami tak sempat, mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan

Egypt protests: Cairo brought to a standstill - Happy Day

The Egyptians just want to sack Hosni Mubarak, family and crony. Hope for a better Egypt.

Grievances for Egyptian protesters have focused on legal and political issues including police brutality,state of emergency laws, lack of free elections and free speech, and corruption, as well as economic issues including high unemployment, food price inflation, and low minimum wages.

Demands from protest organizers included rights of freedom and justice, the end of the Hosni Mubarak regime, and a new government that represents the interests of the Egyptian people.

Egypt: A New Spirit of National Pride

While Egyptians battle for their political future, social change is already sweeping the country.