Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just wondering why? Malaysia Green Building

Just checking from World Green Building Council.

What is Green Building Council
Green Building Councils (“GBC’s”) are transparent, consensus-based, not-for-profit coalition-based organizations with no private ownership and diverse and integrated representation from all sectors of the property industry, including government. GBC’s are created and led by respected, visionary and capable leaders, who follow an open, democratic process allowing for equal representation and participation. GBC’s embrace business as a powerful solution provider, and are working to improve frameworks that harness the ability of business to deliver. They also work closely with governmental agencies, who may also be members. Some country GBC’s have regional chapters. Most GBC’s have staff, develop and host programs and a green building rating system.

Just to compare Malaysia with our neighbors.

This is Philippine, quite impressive.

Indonesia Green Building Council

Maybe Malaysia like something short and simple.

In Malaysia, council is exclusive for government. However, Green Building in Malaysia is industrial driven (commercial), by Green Building Index Sdn. Bhd.

Malaysia government need to improve, start with reduce as their campaign. Minimize energy consumption.

Low Cost and No Maintenance Green Wall in Malaysia

Some of commercial building in Malaysia trying to apply Green Building strategies to reduce the OTTV.

This will need some maintenance cost.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Indonesia Green Building Standard

"The Greenship is an initial step towards developing a rating system. The guidelines include a list of desirable features *to make buildings environmentally friendly* but does not include scores, points or standard references," said Rana Yusuf Nasir, the council's chairman for equipment and skills.Having a rating system will make it easier for the council to join the World Green Building Council, which currently has 14 members, including Australia, Japan and India.

The main "Greenship" guidelines are:

  • The availability of access to public transport

  • The availability of parking spaces for bicycles and changing rooms

  • The management of rainwater

  • The protection or restoration of open spaces

  • The constructing of absorption wells

  • The usage of water-efficient plumbing

  • Water quality and usage monitoring

  • The recycling of "wudhu" (Islamic method of washing oneself before praying) water

  • The usage of grey water and black water recycling systems

  • The monitoring of a building's energy usage

  • Reporting on emission reduction

  • Optimizing the usage of environmentally friendly cleaning products

  • Using recycled materials

  • Smoke-free building

  • Natural lighting

  • Surveying the building users' comfort

ASHRAE releases Standard 189.1 for high performance green buildings.

A new standard for the design of high performance green buildings is set to revolutionize the building industry. Published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), in conjunction with the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Standard 189.1, Standard for the Design of High Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, is the first code intended commercial green building standard in the country.


The new standard was developed over 3.5 years using the ASHRAE consensus process. Many federal agencies, state agencies, and local jurisdictions prefer to adopt consensus standards—those developed using ANSI procedures. (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, also known as LEED, is not an ANSI consensus standard.)

Minimum Requirements

Another difference between LEED and 189.1 is that 189.1 is not a point system. Instead, it provides minimum requirements that must be met.

A frequent approach to meeting point systems is to garner as many of the least expensive points as possible. For standard 189.1, all of the mandatory requirements must be met, and then either the prescriptive or performance requirements must be met.

The prescriptive requirements specify a relatively simple method for showing compliance that generally involves little or no calculations. The performance path specifies an alternate method for showing compliance that is typically more complex than the prescriptive path.

Unlike a point system, where certain points can be avoided, standard 189.1 requires that criteria in all areas be met. The standard allows some choices and flexibility in the form of alternative paths or exceptions.

Standard 189.1 was controversial because of its effects on the environment and the effects on a particular organization or industry. The committee was required to reach consensus on how far to reach on any particular environmental issue and on whether the criteria were reasonable and enforceable.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shading Devices for Energy Efficiency


The basic types of exterior shading devices can be identified as HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL OR EGGCRATE.

Horizontal shading devices are suited to southern exposures. Roof overhangs can also easily be used to shade southern exposures on low rise buildings. This is perhaps the most economical and potentially aesthetically pleasing solution for building applications.

Shading Device Types
Basic Typology of Horizontal Shading Devices for Southern Exposures

Where sun is hitting the facade from a south-easterly or south-westerly direction, vertical devices can effectively block the sun. Eggcrates are often used on non true south facing elevations as well.

Shading Device Types
Shading Devices for Non Southern Exposures

The general configuration of the building can also be modified to alter the orientation of windows for heat avoidance.

Sawtooth Configuration


Oblique shading

Various Planimetric Configurations of Non South Facing Shading Devices

For reasons of both heat avoidance and economy, it is often best to "gang" the south facing shading devices. In order to obtain shading in the late morning and early afternoon when the sun is not at its high point, the shading device should be extended either side of the window opening.

Elevation of Shading Device
Elevation of Shading Device Configurations for South Facing Facades

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Malaysia Green Technology Financing Scheme

Project Application Status

Date: 14 May 2010
Project Certification (Technical)
Completed Project Applications Under Evaluation 19
Certified Green Projects = 27
Rejected applications = 4
Financing Applications
Approved Green Project for Financing = 1

Financing still available, companies are welcome to submit application.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Building Energy Simulation for Malaysia Airport

For the new airport project which targeting for Green Building, I need to study the current occupancy profile for KLIA. This also will help me to determine the right input parameter for Building Energy Simulation. My preliminary result is lower than KLIA Energy Result.

First, I have to determine the exact location of the buildings, longitude, latitude, suitable weather file, building orientation, surrounding area.

For KLIA case, the lighting is still ON even it is designed for daylighting strategy. Photo above shows that the glazing for facade is designed to allow daylighting strategy, however the downlights is still ON during daytime.

Shading device is useful to prevent the heat transfer to building. It can be measure using the OTTV calculation. (To comply with MS1525, OTTV should not exceed 50 W/m2. The ETTV calculation is not a compliance to MS1525).